Sonntag, 27. Februar 2011

getting crazy

After tuneing the redsnapper setting the prints went better.

I use 245 deg celsius extruding temp. 0.65 mm extrude material width. 0.41 layer thickness and 0.8 mm infill distance.

I am still printing the meshball.
The total time at 275 mm / min is 7 hours! INCREDIBLE SLOW! I need to print a mendel or huxley.  So hopefully tomorrow I will upload the pictures of the complete model.

Here is a video of me waiting for the print to finish. Feel my impatience?

Anyhow: IT IS WORKING! Now comes the real challange: designing usefull parts...

The maximum build volume is around 200x150x65 mm. More than enough with the current speed.


The first parts came out. So fare so good. But still a long way to go. The E_STEPS_PER_MM is still not set very well and I have a lot of issues with wraping. The ATX power supply stopped working after 5 minutes and I needed to print all parts cold on painter's tape and glue.

Still I am very happy. No smoke just unlimited possiblities.

final steps

cooling the ehated bed from below to prevent any melting of plastic parts.

Here we are after 2 weeks of work. Ready for the first test print...

rewireing the extruder - classical way

 Due to a shortcut cased by the nut on the heater barrel, which squeezed the wired too much and damaged them, I had to replace the heater wire. This time I chosse the classical method, but with a longer wire due to the 24 V. I think 20 Watt should be enough for the speed I plan to print with.

lifting up the X-axis

 Due to the big extruder parts I needed to move up the complete x/z-stage around 70 mm. This way I can use the limited Z movement to it's maximum.

Also I mounted the power supply for the heated bed.

heated bed

y-axis support for the heated bed:

made of 5 mm aluminum:

I used structured silicon layers with kapton inbetween to make some good insulation.

I removed some of the insulation to screw the resistors. I have 4x 4.7Ohm in parralel at 12 V and 2x 1 Ohm in parallel at 5V. So I have around 10 amps on each Voltage and more then 150 Watts heating power.

Glueing the temperature sensor in the middle. Adding more insulation layers.

 Top View:

Here you can also see the temperature controller. It automatically finds the best parameters for PID which saves a lot of time. Less work, more coffee.

modifying the z-stage to hold the extruder

introducing aluminum parts

I wanted to change several extruder parts from ABS to aluminum for longer lifetime.

Starting Point

Some gerneral impressions of my starting point:

 Notice the milling motor is still on top:




 Stepper testing with generation 6 electronics. With 12 Volt the steppers start to loose steps at around 230 mm/min. This far too slow. I expected much more with the 2 mm inclinded spindle. With 24 Volt I can savely read around 300 mm/min. Still dead slow. I will use is as a starting point and will also layout my extruder for 24 Volt and later use better stepper motors.