Sonntag, 13. März 2011

knotted spool & printed two parts within each other :(

So far it was running really good. I tweaked the settings to thinner and thinner layers. But then I started a bigger projects with more than 24 h printing time and ended up with a knotted spool. It took some time to remove around 40 meters and put them back on.

Also I realized that in redsnapper I added one stl-file two times with a small offset. During G-Code generation I havent realized the mistake. And the print ran for about 10 hours adding up double material in many areas.

The output looked like this:

You can see the brown color of the material in the upper and lower area of the part, where the stls overlapped the most. I was supprised, that I did not ruin the nozzle that way.

Dienstag, 1. März 2011

Getting things done

I am still playing around with vaious parameters to get the best results. A big help was the heated bed. With the 150 Watt I can reach around 130 degree. At this temperature I print the first layer and then get down to 110 degree. I was able to print the first flat parts withour any wraping issue.

The easiest way to remove the parts is to wait until the bed cooled down to 60 degree and then use a knife to start lifting the corners. It pops off pretty easy. So far the ABS sticks well to the kapton tape.